about freemind solutions
We're a highly talented firm located in suburban St. Paul, Minnesota. We've been in the business of
providing solutions for a lot of years -- each of us have over 10 years experience building applications
of all shapes and sizes for the internet and the enterprise.
what's important to us?
- Happiness.
Everyone involved in the project ought to be happy with how it is going and the finished product.
If our clients aren't happy, neither are we.
- Honesty.
You've come to us for our experience. Included in that is candor. We're not going to let you make mistakes
(at least not without us explaining why we think it is so).
- Simplicity.
On the web there are always a dozen different ways to accomplish anything. The simple solutions beget an
elegance that keeps your site running smoothly, with significantly fewer hiccups.
- Availability.
When something does go wrong, we're here for you. We don't close up the shop at 5 O'Clock like the big guys.
We're here when you need us.
think you could be one of us?
We're always looking for well-rounded, well-read talent to develop technical and business solutions.
Qualified? Want Freemind to know? If so, send us your resume. All we need to
know about you right now is who you are, how to contact you, and what your
skill-set is and what you're passionate about. Use the form to the right or email us at

- ira

- jim